Monday, August 11, 2008

New Names

So after the last name poll we have made some adjustments. Some of the names have stuck and I think i added one new. As you can see I am a little obsessed with what this kid will be many choices. This time you can only vote for one so choose wisely. If you don't like my selections, well than we don't share the same name likes, that's okay but you will not persuade me to pick one of your lame names!


Nat Lud said...

You make me laugh. I won't persuade ya with any names. I'm totally digging Crew.

Melissa said...

I love Crew too, I've never heard it,... but he sounds very cute!

Monaca said...

So... This lady in the waiting room at my doctors office said that it gets "better" with each c-section... is it true? or was she laughing all the way home at the joke she just played on me?

I told CJ we may not have any more because the experience I had was just totally tramatic for me. I still tear up when I think about it. I have NEVER had to go into the hospital for ANYTHING emergency. And now that I've had an "emergency" I'm not too fond of them. :D

Anywho... thanks for the comments, and I don't mind one bit that you made a visit to my blog. And I love our name too, it's so hard to pick names when you've already had to choose names for two kids of the same sex.

We're in the same boat when it comes to sex of the babies. I can't have boys, and you can't have girls :D Hopefully time will change that :D Good luck at your second ultra sound... I hope all will go well.

Andy said...

Crew is not even a name. If you don't name your child Wilson you will be making a serious mistake. Kids will line up to beat on Graham or Warner. How can Justin not know this?

Melissa said...

Andy, I beg to differ,... Crew is the cutest name ever! He will be so popular the guys couldn't even get to him, to beat him up, through the crowd of girls always around him!

The Baker said...

thank you melissa, you have excellent taste!