Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trunk or Treat

Last night we had our ward "Trunk or Treat" it was a HUGE turnout, i didn't know who half the kids were and I know all of the kids! The boys had a ton of fun.Lincoln was a skeleton pirate, I was a little bummed because I was planning on having him be the cute Frankenstein costume that jack was when he was 2, but the thing was busting at the seams, so we used Jack's costume from last year and Lincoln was thrilled to be a pirate.

Jack was a Ninja, and the cutest one you ever did see!

They had a Caterpillar ride that was pulled by a 4-wheeler. So cute and the boys LOVED it!

The boys with their best buddies Connor and Chase


Lindsay Griffeth said...

It was a great night! Great photos of the boys, Shauna!

Amy said...

Tell Jack Grammy says he looks scary with that hood on. Lincoln is the cutest little pirate! I can't believe he is too big for the Frankenstein...

Bethany said...

How fun! We bail on ours b/c it's ALWAYS on Halloween. Pretty lame I'll say. Anyways, the boys look way cute. I especially like Lincoln's get up. Boys are the best! Did you dress up?

Whitney said...

They are adorable. The trunk or treat was a lot of fun. I was surprised at the number of people. I need to get those pictures Shauna took of Samantha.

Monaca said...

I love trunk or treat, we don't have to worry about who's behind the door, when you go around the neighborhood. I think the kids don't mind one bit.
It was nice seeing you at Trunk or Treat! Cute Hair by the way!

Marty and Debbi said...

Oh, the boys are adorable!!!! They look like they had a lot of fun. Where are you and Justin ? no costumes ? A little too busy I know Love ya!