After California we got in the car and headed to Utah for a little Patrick family reunion. My sister-in-law Melissa and I decided to leave early Wednesday morning so that we could just get there. So we caravaned and it was HORRIBLE! It took us 13 hours with the time change and driving that long by yourself is a challenge. I love Justin and I take advantage of the fact that he normally drives and I can nap because I actually fell asleep at the wheel and almost killed my family! Yikes, I will never take that risk again!The first day there we went up to Snowbird and to the Alpine slides there. It was beautiful!! Here is Grandma with the little ones that couldn't ride, Eliza and Coleman.
As we were leaving Snowbird we were walking by a little stream. Jack was saying it was a river and then he said, "I think it's going to lead to Jordan's flow" (from the Baptism primary song)
When we were about to go in I was explaining to Jack that this was like his favorite song, "I love the see the Temple...I'm going there someday"..... His reply was, "Yeah mom, but I don't think we're going to feel the Holy Spirit" was cute, of course I told him that if he was reverent he could.
This is while we were waiting to take pictures, Coleman was practicing his smile with Daddy. I promise Justin does not have that many chins...its the picture, but it was too darn cute not to post.
lincoln doesnt look like he liked that slide very much.
Coleman is so big i cant even stand it. it makes me sad.
So I guess 3 days is rebound time to get back into the swing of things. I just updated too. We had so much fun with you. Hope your backside is feeling better.
I didn't know you went to Utah, too! You are brave to drive alone . . . I'm impressed. :) We'll send you with some serious caffeine next time. :)
Glad you're back!
Yeah I did the whole driving alone this past week to. Not fun at all. I love the picture with coleman and justin..way cute!
Jack and those squinty eyes...
Those pictures are so cute. I am glad we got to see you guys for a bit! Come back soon!
um, I love the Alpine Slide. and i've totally fallen asleep at the wheel a few times and it's the worst feeling when you jerk awake and realize what happened!
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