Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Happy Birthday Auntie Shauna
Posted by
The Baker
2:06 PM
Happy Birthday Daddy
Happy 28th to my Sweetheart. I have known Justin since he was a little pup, 15....and I can't believe how time has flown. I love this guy, he is the BEST dad and husband. I also love when his birthday comes because it doesn't seem like I am that much older than him. LOVE YOU HUN, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Posted by
The Baker
1:58 PM
Monday, March 23, 2009
Jack's Masterpiece
This weekend Jack has been loving drawing the Winnie the Pooh characters, Pooh, Tigger and Piglet if you can't tell. I realize that they kind of all look like cats, but i was pretty impressed with his attention to detail. And this is without help and without even looking at a picture, all from his little mind. Ever since I bought him a pack of markers this kid just sits at Justin's drawing table and draws and draws for hours.
Posted by
The Baker
12:19 PM
Last Week
As I mentioned in my previous post, Lincoln has been showing some interest in using the potty. On Friday he went 3 times in the toilet so we all went to Target and let him pick out some underwear. This picture is funny because he wanted to wear it backwards so he could see the picture like in his pull-up. As soon as we put them on he peed.....oh well i am not stressing he isn't even 3 so i am just going with the flow on this one. Not the greatest picture but one to document.
In one of the little houses at the park. Of course we were with their best buddies Connor and Chase. (well i should specify Chase and Lincoln are enemy's at the moment, you can usually find them punching, pushing or screaming at each other)
Spring is here in Vegas and so we hve been going to the park ALOT! Jack thinks he's blind and insists on wearing his sunglasses whenever he is in the sun, even if he is wearing a hat.
Posted by
The Baker
9:54 AM
Friday, March 20, 2009
This morning, Lincoln lifts up Shauna's bra and says,
"This is for girls....and its beautiful!"
Later today he was walking around naked (no surprise) and he comes up to me and says,
"Mom something is changing"
I asked him if he needed to pee and he said yes so we went to the toilet and he went....WHAT?? I was shocked and very excited. So i guess when we are home he will be naked for a while. Maybe he will be out of diapers sooner than i thought!
Posted by
The Baker
1:23 PM
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Coleman, Almost 4 months.
Coleman is smiling like crazy now, he is HUGE in like 6 months clothes. By far my biggest baby! I think its the formula. Also he is by far my easiest baby....and he slept 10 hours two nights ago...hes done it twice now.
I think by now I am getting used to having 3, we love him so much. Jack still prays, " Thankful that Coleman could come out of mommies tummy"
Posted by
The Baker
10:12 AM
Stinky Pete
So some how after watching Toy Story 2 a thousand times we came up the the nickname for Lincoln of "Stinky Pete" I think because we called him Stink a lot, you know it rhymes with Linc. Anyway he has been trying really hard to live up to that name. Its funny because depending on when you ask him he will tell you that's his name. I'm sure the cashiers at the store think I am a wacko for naming my kid that.
I decided that I should document all of his craziness so he will believe me when hes older. In the top picture I was downstairs and realized Lincoln was quiet, so I call his name. When he answers I ask him what he was doing, he says "I'm cleaning Mommy"....Oh Crap I better get up there fast. He has recently discovered the laundry room and the detergent. A lock for that door is on Justin's to do list. So now I have liquid laundry detergent dripping out of the cracks of my dryer.
**Note, the last time he got a hold of my BLUE liquid detergent, he decided to pour out the entire (New) bottle all over the carpet.***Again here is a new found love of Lincolns. its like he has a radar on him that knows when mom forgets to lock the garage door. When i notice hes missing I go out to find this! Oh man my newly washed car now has his cute little footprints and hand prints going up the windshield.
We just LOVE our Stinky Pete! He sure does keep my life interesting......I'm sure there will be many more of these post to come.
Posted by
The Baker
9:48 AM
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
This is how you can find Lincoln these days. No matter what I do I CANNOT keep a diaper or pants on him......And I know I should potty train him but I am not quit up to it YET! I thought this was a cute picture of him eating his cereal and I know some day I will laugh at this phase.
I was trying to get a picture of Coleman and of course Jack had to make his way in there. You can still always find Jack touching Coleman's head, and now that Coleman is smiling Jack loves to talk to and tickle him.
We need a new computer, Justin fixed our apple but the thing is so old that it needs all of these updates to even make it function, so.......hopefully i will have a new computer shortly...hopefully, this will take A LOT of nagging!
My dryer is still not working, going on 3 months now with a dryer that won't get any heat, so laundry is the death of me.
We have been paintings ALL weekend/week. My house looks like a bomb went off and it is driving me nuts, but it looks sooo good.
I know everyone blogged about this but the Bachelor made me sooo mad. I knew what was going to happen but I didn't think it would make me so mad. Jason is a horrible person. I made Justin watch the After the Rose and he just kept saying, "You can't do that!" We had a fun little get together and all of us were screaming at the TV.
Nothing is really happening around here. I am getting a little bit more sleep which is good. Justin has been so kind to me when i wake him up some nights to do a feeding....the bottle is great.
Posted by
The Baker
2:14 PM